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To help you develop your organisational resilience we provide a modularised approach to our consultancy services. This gives you a clear explanation of consultancy focus, certainty over costs and ensures that you need only select the modules that your business will benefit from. We also offer bespoke consultancy to meet your needs if required.


The core development modules are:


Initial consultation


This is the recommended minimum level of development support. We will work with your senior executives and governance team to introduce the essential elements for successful embedding of business continuity management. We will introduce 14 key essentials and discuss your current alignment or otherwise with them. The result is a report from us to give you a framework for action based on the essentials. You can then determine how and at what pace you might build on the essentials. 


Our other core development modules are available should you require assistance to build upon some of the most important aspects of the essentials framework. These include:


Risk, Planning Assumptions and Capabilities


This module provides you with a methodology to make informed assessment about reasonable and plausible assumptions for which you should plan, and the extent to which investment in capability to meet the planning assumption is required. This could be for example investment in staff training, procurement of equipment to be deployed in certain circumstances, or service contracts with third parties. This consultation involves more detailed discussion and working with your key managers and department heads. 


Strategic response and recovery arrangements


This module provides you with a procedure to enact your response and recovery plans. Experience shows that having a business continuity plan alone is not a guarantee of success. A plan is a set of preconceived actions based upon planning assumptions. Even in circumstances where the event in practice meets the planning assumption, there will always be variables to consider that require informed decision making. We will give you a procedure to ensure your business continuity runs as planned, that you maintain strategic situational awareness, make correct decisions and communicate effectively.


Testing and Exercising


This module provides you with a means to test your arrangements through a scenario-based exercise involving your key participants. This can be a low-impact table top exercise through to a more sophisticated practical exercise depending on your needs. This module is inclusive to subscribers of our Business Continuity Support Service who will also benefit from meeting a response and recovery advisor as part of the exercise and become familiar with the nature and level of support that you can rely on as a subscriber.




This module provides an overview statement of assurance for organisations who have business continuity arrangements in place. We will audit and review your arrangements, produce a supporting statement to inform your strategy and compile an audit report. We will use our assessment of your resilience maturity to do this and introduce the concept of “total resilience” whereby your ability to absorb business continuity events is also viewed in your organisational strategy alongside your ability to adapt to longer term stresses. The link between the two is important in your overall business planning.


Bespoke consultancy


With our significant experience and team of consultants, associates and advisors we welcome any specific request you may have for advice or assistance in developing your organisational resilience. 


For details of our fully transparent modular pricing please visit our products and pricing page

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