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Common scenarios


To assist in you in deciding if you need our support and development services try the following checklist of questions relating to some common workplace events in organisations that trigger business continuity arrangements


Fire and Flood


  • Are you confident you comply with regulatory requirements for fire safety?


  • What are the most likely fire and flood scenarios you might face?


  • How extensive might smoke or water damage be?


  • What critical operations might be impacted by a fire or a flood?


  • Have you considered the extended clean timescales after even minor fires or floods?


  • Who will interface with the Fire brigade when they arrive and what information will they be able to convey?


  • How will you need to communicate with staff, clients, contractors and the general public?


Workplace Accident


  • Are you confident you comply with regulatory requirements for workplace health and safety?


  • What are the most likely areas of your business where personal injury could occur?


  • What immediate capacity do you have to respond to personal injury situations?


  • Have you considered the potential delays caused by investigations into a personal accident in the workplace?


  • Who will liaise with the Health and Safety Executive should they become involved and what information will they be able to convey?


  • How will you communicate with the media, your employees and family members of anyone directly affected?


Denial of Access


  • What are the most likely causes that can result in your premises becoming unavailable?


  • What risks in the immediate environment outside of your control could result in denial of access to your premises?


  • Do you have a fall-back location identified?


  • How would you initiate and manage relocation to a fall-back facility?


  • How would you manage a controlled shut down of your operations for a temporary period?


  • How would you communicate either fall back or temporary shutdown to your clients, workforce and suppliers?


  • How would you laisse with other agencies and the emergency services if your premises was unavailable due to a wider emergency such as flooding in the local area or power outage?


If the three scenarios above provoke uncertainty then you will certainly benefit from an initial consultation to help you view your business continuity in the light of our 14 point framework of essentials. Please use our contact page for more information. 



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